Saturday, December 5, 2009

In case you missed my post on the forum:

From admin:
Forums is going OFFLINE tomorrow Sunday for adding the new server. We did not quite finish the work yesterday, so we like to have some time on Sunday to do a quality job and do all the testing necessary. We expect the forums to be really fast after that.

They're saying offline will be 8am til 4pm PST -- I reckon PST to be 8 hours behind GMT, so from 4pm to midnight tomorrow the forum will be offline :-(

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another weekend, another hiccup . . .

Can't remember the technical stuff, but the guy on the support forum was wittering on about "accidentally moving servers before the new server was ready". Or something like that. So they screwed up and I guess we now wait until they recover lost posts and sort this latest mess out. Hopefully . . . . .

It's annoying, but we'll get through it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Notice: Forum Server Move - PLEASE READ

Wasn't aware of this:
"Hi everyone,

I like to announce that we are going to be moving our servers in the next few days. We have already started copying files between servers.. as a result you may experience some forum slowdown, until the copying is finished. We apologize for that.

Once the servers are moved, there maybe disruption of service for perhaps a day, as the domain name servers adjust, and we work out server move bugs. We mot likely will splash a message on the forums, and disable the forums for that day, so that any of your new posts will not be lost.

The good news is that once we have moved servers, we will have much better control over the applications, and can satisfy upgrade requests that have already been made.

Thank you for your patience as this much needed move happens. I will keep you posted of the progress.



"Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:52 am
The long anticipated forum move is planned to start later tonight. I plan to disable log-on to the forums, so that there would be no changes to the data being moved. I am hoping things can be wrapped out by Friday at the latest. I will keep this support forum open in the meantime.

Thanks for your patience."

So hopefully everything will be back to normal for the weekend :-)

Friday, July 10, 2009

July 10, 11:45am

All forums are down, including support!

Hopefully it won't last long :-)

Monday, April 27, 2009


It's back!

Thank goodness :-D


Still no word on anything to do with the forums-free sites. A new site with will be ready later if our original is still down. It means starting from scratch . . . again . . . which is a royal pain in the arse and quite upsetting, but it is what it is. We'll manage ~

Pass the word on

April 27th 7am

Still no sign of our forum :-(

If there's no sign of life by the end of the day we'll have to start again . . .


Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26, 8:20pm EST

Everything to do with free-forums has been down for 10 hours now . . . hopefully it's just temporary!